Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Love Monday (The Power of Focus)

Orang sukses berfokus pada kekuatannya, orang gagal justru mencari dalih untuk tidak menggunakan kekuatannya....#RAMOtivation

Kekuatan fokus sungguh sangat luar biasa!! anda lihat sinar matahari yg panas ketika di fokuskan oleh kaca pembesar bisa membakar kertas, atlet angkat berat adalah orang2 yg fokus melatih ototnya, etc, etc...

Lihatlah!! mereka yg sukses adalah yang fokus di bidangnya, mereka yang bertahan, mereka yg siap kalah dan menang, mereka yg tekun dan sabar akan hasil...

Latihlah fokus anda!! fokus pada yg produktif, fokus pada pengembangan diri, fokus pada bisnis anda....

Lihatlah ketekunan seorang penjual bubur menyisihkan rupiah demi rupiah, untuk bisa bernangkat haji...sekarang setelah 13 tahun menabung bisa berangkat haji...kuncinya? fokus menyisihkan pendapatan.

Sayangnya banyak dari kita sekarang banyak terganggu dgn hal2 yg kurang manfaat, jadi waktu terbuang, tenaga terbuang, uang terbuang.....

Lalu sekarang tentukan fokus anda! bekerjalah! tekunlah! Sabarlah! .....

Wassalamu alaykum 
MZ Omar,ST

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sepatu League

Must Buy nih...naksir beratttt........

RAMOtivation of the day

Stop negative thinking.... cultivate the soul that always think positive and eventually became personal with a positive attitude by Omar #RAMOtivation

Produk Unik

Nose Dispenser - Dispenser sabun

Harga : Rp.160.000,-
Produk Rekomendasi dari kami

Dengan mempunyai dispenser sabun berbentuk hidung ini, benda ini pasti akan menjadi pusat perhatian di toilet atau dapur anda. Setiap orang yang melihatnya pasti akan mempunyai reaksi yang berbeda beda, ada yang akan terkejut, merasa lucu, ataupun langsung takut dan kabur dari tempat tersebut.

Product Details
Product Size: 18.5cm (H) x 13.5cm (W)
Material : Rubber
Content : Nose Dispenser dan Suction Cups

Perawatan produk
1. Harap untuk tidak mengisi dengan detergen baju atau detergen lainnya yang kuat.
2. Untuk pemakaian pertama kali, nose dispenser ini harap di bersihkan terlebih dahulu dengan sabun baik pada luar dan dalam produk.
3. Jika terdapat noda kotor pada hidung, bersihkan dengan sabun perlahan lahan.
 Pemesanan HUBUNGI:
RUMAH LIZA via sms 081382059967

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

RAMOtivation of the day

Trying hard to feel the happiness of others, will affect happiness creeper. Glad to see anyone else happy...#RAMOtivation

Monday, November 1, 2010

Terkadang cuma dibutuhkan sedikit aja pergeseran posisi untuk bisa melihat kehidupan yang lebih baik, tapi karena malas dan menunda lebih banyak orang memutuskan untuk menderita seumur hidup di posisinya sekarang...#RAMOtivation

Thursday, October 28, 2010


by MZ Omar

Jika anda di tolak oleh 10 orang berarti anda sudah dekat dengan satu orang berkata "Ya"...MZ Omar

Pertanyaan negative tapi bisa menendang kita untuk berbuat lebih banyak dan lebih baik. Maksudnya bukannya menyarankan kita untuk banyak gagal, bukan! Tapi pada realita kehidupan di dunia wirausaha, biasanya semakin banyak kita menawarkan dan gagal, artinya langkah kita untuk mendekati sukses semakin dekat. Banyaknya kegagalan berarti banyaknya kita menawarkan. Lha gimana mau gagal kalo nggak pernah menawarkan.

Coba saja teknik ini.
1.      Setiap hari fikirkan siapa saja yang bisa anda temui untuk bisa anda ajukan produk atau jasa anda. Berbicaralah natural, jangan kaku. Tanyakan keadaannya berikan masukan lalu selipkan ide untuk menggunakan produk atau jasa yang kita punya. Sebaiknya dilakukan dengan tatap muka sehingga bisa menimbulkan citra positif, walau pun sekarang semua bisa dilakukan via online. (untuk cara bisa bertemu dengan prospek kita akan dibahas nanti)
2.       Awal dari terjadinya transaksi bisnis adalah inquiry (permintaan harga). Dari sini kita bisa menentukan solusi terbaik bagi calon pelanggan kita. Baik dari segi spesifikasi barang, jumlah pesanan, waktu pengiriman, harga terbaik dan cara pembayaran. Semakin banyak permintaan yang masuk, semakin besar peluang terjadinya bisnis.
3.       Strategi Harga. Kompetisi semakin ketat, maka harga semakin murah. Itu yang sering kita dengar, padahal tidak sesungguhnya tepat, pada kebanyakan kasus memang iya seperti itu. Tapi cobalah untuk mencari peluang dimana anda bisa meraih harga terbaik dengan marjin tinggi. Biasanya ini bisa terjadi jika anda sudah memiliki “trus” yang tinggi. Demikian juga dengan system pembayaran, usahakan mendapatkan pembayaran tunai dari pelanggan dan pembayaran tempo dari pemasok/supplier. Ini akan menjaga cash flow usaha anda.
4.      Penawaran Harga. Ini adalah momentum penting. Jika anda sudah merilis penawaran, keputusan ada di tangan pelanggan. Usahakan untuk terus menjaga kontak dan menanyakan kira-kira apa yang bisa kita lakukan agar penawaran itu diterima. Karena dengan menjaga kontak, walaupun penawaran kita ditolak paling tidak untuk kesempatan selanjutnya kita bisa diikutsertakan.

Nah, kalo dalam proses di atas kita mentok dan berakhir dengan kegagalan, jangan kecewa, dan putus asa. Itu tandanya sudah ada trust dari pelanggan dengan menghubungin anda, tinggal koreksi terus apa saja yang menyebabkannya tidak berhasil.

Selamat Berkarya all Brothers….

Sakses for U all
MZ Omar

#RAMOtivation of the day#

Bercita-citalah hari ini menjadi "PEMBUNUH"...pembunuh kelakuan buruk dan sia2..#RAMOtivation#

Perubahan cuma milik org2 yg berani berbuat, pecundang hanya bisa komentar...#RAMOtivation

Cuaca ekstrim, muncul krn respon alam terhadap anomali tingkah laku manusia #RAMOtivation

Secangkir kopi bisa menambah semangat, sepatah kata inspirasi bisa mengubah hari anda....Memulai pagi dengan #RAMOtivation#

Manusia sejati hanya sujud kepada Allah SWT, tapi banyak manusia tertipu yang hidup justru bersujud kepada sesama mahluk...#RAMOtivation

setiap memulai sbuah usaha baru, bukanlah 1000 lembar uang yg utama, tapi 1000% rasa percaya diri yg lbh mr Ferizal Ali #RAMOtivation

Nikmatnya sarapan pagi hari ini seharusnya mengingatkan kita akan kesedihan yg dialami sodara2 kita di mentawai dan merapi, bahkan sodara2 kita yg kurang beruntung bisa sarapan.....#RAMOtivation

Monday, October 25, 2010

#RAMOtivation of the day#

Penderitaan kita sering ditimbulkan adanya jarak antara harapan dan dgn kenyataan, semakin jauh jaraknya semakin menderita. Kebahagiaan hanya bisa diraih dengan cara menjalani kenyataan dengan ikhlas, sambil terus bersabar menghimpun prestasi menuju harapan....#RAMOtivation#

Mau bahagia? langsung aja sekarang! #RAMOtivation#

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Segera Bertindak!

Mungkin saat ini anda sedang ragu untuk memulai bisnis, karena takut ditolak

Bahkan anda hanya sibuk menuliskan ide2 anda di atas kertas dan hanya berakhir di dalam laci meja kerja anda

Yang terbayang hanyalah rasa malu ketika di tolak, ketika barang tidak laku, ketika pintu2 tertutup dan ketika anda merasa lebih banyak produk orang yang lebih hebat dari produk anda

Lalu anda berdiri di persimpangan, hanya melihat teman2 yang lain sudah memilih jalannya

Padahal yang anda butuhkan hanyalah Memutuskan

Tapi di kepala hanya ada kata2, “Bagaimana kalau……….?”

Musuh utama dari kesuksesan adalah penundaan karena ketakutan

Dengar nasehat ini “Feel the fear but do it anyway”

Ketakutan adalah buah dari keraguan dalam bertindak, keberanian mengalahkan semua keraguan. Jika kaki sudah melangkah bersiaplah menemui banyak hikmah, bahkan tidak sedikit kemudahan yang di dapat walau harus sedikit menderita kesulitan di sana sini.

Jika temboknya sulit ditembus bukan berarti itu akhir dari segalanya…bersegeralah bertindak, karena waktu kita tidak banyak

MZ Omar

Monday, October 11, 2010


Alhamdulillah pagi hari ini bisa dilakukan Ground Breaking (peletakan batu pertama) untuk proyek renovasi apotik dan klinik, mudah2an ini bisa menjadi akselerasi bagi Brothers Construction dalam melakukan bisnisnya. Sebuah kepercayaan yg benar2 harus dijaga.

Walaupun ada sedikit cerita tentang proyek ini. Lihat gambar berikut:

Karena customer kami keturunan China ada ritual yg mereka lakukan sebelum proyek berjalan...kami sih ikuti saja selama yg melakukan ritual hanya mereka sendiri..laakum dinikum waliadiin...
Nah ini dia keadaan ruko yg asli...akan kami renov menjadi ruko yang cantiikk.....

Yayat in Action...Ground Breaking pun harus dilakukan tepat jam 9.00 menuruti pesan klien....satu dua tiga..Tok Tok Tok..and the project begin.....

Hehehe nggak mau kalah gaya nih....numpang ketok.....

MZ Omar

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

day 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th

Continue work out: jog, sit up, push up and skipping

day 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th

Continue work out: jog, sit up, push up and skipping

Monday, October 4, 2010

9th day - New Project

Thursday, September 30, 2010

6th day....50 Ways to Get Over Failure

A man I heard about once failed completely at two different businesses and had his girlfriend die before the age of thirty. He went on in the next decade to get into politics, where he was defeated not once, but twice, in both the Congressional and Senatorial races. He became depressed, moody, and his friends began to worry about him. Yet at the age of 51, that man was elected as President of the United States. His name was Abraham Lincoln.
This is but one of many examples of individuals who manage to go through a crushing series of defeats in life and come out on top with ongoing persistence. You can do the same, with only a few tips to keep in mind. Staying busy and helping others is a great way to start the healing process to empower yourself, with these 50 ways to overcome failure, whether it be great or small.

50 Ways to Get Over Failure

1. Get away from it all and take a vacation, if only to the next town.
A change of scene works wonders, taking you away from the scene of your alleged failure and giving you the time to recharge your batteries, so to speak.
2. Write down and update lists of your short and long-term goals alike.
I always try to have a few different lists going at the same time, be they literal or solely in my head. Staying organized and keeping your eyes on the prize is the best way to keep moving forward at a constant rate.
3. Face the truth.
If a situation is not working, have the strength to move on. It’s all too easy to make excuses for a situation that simply isn’t right.
4. Get a haircut or new style to represent the overall changes in your life.
A small makeover can make you feel like a completely new person and give a much-needed confidence boost.
5. Go through your wardrobe and throw out anything that is outdated or shabby.
Remove those old clothes that are doing you no favors. Get something that match your new hairstyle.
6. Make daily to-do lists and stick to them, even with the smallest of tasks.
7. Clean and organize your house and workspace.
It doesn’t need to be springtime to give the house a thorough going-over. You may be surprised to discover how much clutter you have in there that is unnecessary. This helps give the feeling of a fresh start, as well.
8. Always expect success in your future endeavors.
The power of positive thinking cannot be emphasized enough. As Willie Nelson once stated, “Once you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”
9. Get involved in community groups.
Getting out there and getting to know the neighbors as well as giving back to the community can help spark a new way to move on from the defeats of the past and move forward into the success of the future.
10. Start exercising regularly with an activity you enjoy.
For me, this is soccer and golf. For my girlfriend, it’s yoga. A friend of mine prefers log rolling. Whatever floats your boat, as long as it’s active, will help not only your physical but mental states.
11. Undergo a detoxification or cleansing program to give your body a rest.
A poor diet can literally be weighing you down, so giving your body a break will boost your energy and clear your head for the tasks ahead.
12. Work dancing into your weekly routine.
Music is what ties us all together and this can work wonders on your mood, as well as serving as an exercise to keep you in the present and away from the past.
13. Focus solely on the present and realize that the past is over.
See the above. Aside from music, other ways people manage to do this is try focused meditations that keep you squarely in the here and now.
14. Reestablish contact with relatives you haven’t seen in a while.
By focusing on others that you may have lost touch with, you will be reconnected to your roots. And maybe Grandpa has some stories about his youth that will remind you of your own situation.
15. Chat up strangers and listen to new stories for inspiration.
Be open to small talk. Sometimes you can be surprised where it leads. Everyone has his or her own interesting story, so being receptive to hearing it can be fuel for your own fire.
16. Go out and experience live music.
More than just a diversion, this can help you see life in a whole new way. It doesn’t have to be the symphony. Even a punk band can give you an outlet to burn off excess negative energy.
17. Take a career test for inspiration on how to move forward with new possibilities.
If you feel at a loss, take one of those tests that are given to high school students, to maybe learn about new skills you forgot that you had.
18. Call friends who live at a distance and catch up on old times.
With my own friends scattered across the world from Melbourne to Berlin, sometimes having a good catch-up day can give you some inspiration and help relieve stress. Modern technology such as Skype makes it easier than ever before to stay in touch. Plus, this might get you an invitation to take a vacation down the road.
19. Learn a new language or technical skill.
This helps sharpen the mind and improve concentration, plus makes you more marketable in the future when searching for new opportunities.
20. Throw a dinner party for a mixed group of friends with varied interests.
Put together a well-crafted guest list of people who don’t necessarily know each other that well but have interests that could be complimentary to each other, for stimulating conversation.
21. Drink champagne in the park with a friend.
Sometimes taking a day out and just enjoying someone’s company with a celebration just for the heck of it is necessary.
22. Always speak with honesty, so that you can stand confidently behind your words.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. This will help build your credibility and reputation that are critical in achieving success.
23. Try a new cuisine.
Life is all about experience. Give Ethiopian or Vietnamese food, and maybe you’ll be uncovering the next hot trend in world cuisine.
24. Work at least 15 minutes in every day for breathing exercise, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress.
Stress is one of the modern killers that keep us wrapped up in failure. After my business plans all fell through, I found myself forgetting to simply breathe sometimes. Taking the conscious time out of your day to simply breathe can be a huge boost to energy levels and competency.
25. Adopt a pet or volunteer at an animal rescue shelter.
Pets have been shown to also reduce stress levels.
26. Stay properly hydrated with 6-8 glasses of water per day, for an instant energy boost.
Many people forget to drink enough water. Even though it seems like a no-brainer, it really does have a huge effect on your overall wellbeing. Your body can’t operate without water.
27. Dabble in a vintage art form such as ceramics or crocheting.
For kitsch value and a new form of stress relief, take up an old-school craft form.
28. Browse in used bookstores for new intellectual ideas and join a book group to discuss them.
Browsing through books of authors you’ve never heard of can open you up to new ideas. Book of the month clubs can spark intriguing discussion and open you up to new ideas.
29. Join a language exchange program to meet new people from different backgrounds.
Share your language with someone who is new to the country, and in return learn a new language yourself, all over a cup of coffee.
30. Write down a list of 10 things you most appreciate about yourself.
It’s easy to forget after a setback how great you are. This is a way to remind yourself.
31. Make yourself upbeat music mixes to listen to when getting ready for the day.
Dance around the room too, if you feel like it. Who cares who is watching?
32. Forgive yourself for past failures by writing yourself a letter or saying it out loud if necessary.
Forgiveness is important. Remember what Oprah Winfrey once said: “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.”
33. Take yourself on a date.
This is just a way of getting yourself out there and taking the time to appreciate what you have to offer. Buy a gift. Take yourself to a movie.
34. Volunteer within the community or abroad.
Giving back to the world at large helps you see that your personal failure is not that big of a deal in the larger scheme of things.
35. Go on a retreat.
This can be a good way to feel revitalized after a demoralized period.
36. Make sure you are being proactive every day towards achieving your goals.
Stick to those to-do lists, and don’t let yourself take days or weeks off, as that can lead to lethargy.
37. Incorporate feng shui into your interior decoration.
This can have a big impact on energy levels in the room.
38. Go to a comedy show or learn some new jokes yourself.
39. Move to a location that is near the beach.
Studies show that those living near the ocean have a higher level of satisfaction in their personal and professional lives.
40. Give yourself rewards for meeting each smaller goal on the road to your larger goals.
41. Read biographies of people that you admire.
Figure how they did it, and also be reminded that everyone goes through periods of failure. There is not one person who goes through life without it.
42. Dress in power colors and styles that make you feel good.
43. Lend a helping hand whenever possible to others.
44. Realize the best way to learn is through mistakes and setbacks.
45. Keep an upbeat attitude throughout hardships.
46. Be there as a rock for others in need.
47. Smile as often as possible.
The world will smile back at you.
48. Tackle something you have always been afraid of.
I am terrified of heights, but the day I went bungee jumping stands out as one of the best days of my life and helped remind me that I am capable of anything.
49. Laugh in the face of defeat.
50. Remember that it’s OK to feel sad, but try to turn that around.
There is a time for grieving, and a time for forgiveness. Take those defeats, learn from your mistakes, and never look back after the lesson has been absorbed.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5th day

Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope

3rd and 4th day

3rd Days

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, “Kenalilah Allah pada saat kemudahan niscaya Allah akan mengenalimu pada saat kesempitan.”


 4th Days

Ramuan Kebahagiaan:

Dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh a-Tirmidziy Rasulullah bersabda: “Barangsiapa tidur dengan tenang di tempat tidurnya, sehat badannya, memiliki jatah makanan untuk hari itu maka seakan-akan dia telah...mendapatkan dunia dan semua kenikmatannya.”


Sunday, September 26, 2010

2nd days

Friday, September 24, 2010