Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tentang TDA (from


Apa Itu Komunitas TDA?
Adalah sebuah komunitas bisnis yang bervisi menjadi Tangan Di Atas atau menjadi pengusaha kaya yang gemar memberi kepada sesamanya. Istilah kerennya adalah abundance atau enlightened millionaire.
Lho, sesederhana itu?
Tidak, nama ini merupakan perwujudan dari keyakinan kami bahwa menjadi Tangan Di Atas itu lebih mulia dari pada Tangan Di Bawah (TDB). Kami mengartikannya juga TDA sebagai pengusaha dan TDB sebagai karyawan. Di samping itu kami juga meyakini bahwa dengan menumbuhkan semangat berwirausaha, merupakan salah satu solusi konkret terhadap permasalahan ekonomi bangsa.
Bagaimana cara mewujudkannya?
Ya, tentu saja dimulai dari kami sendiri. Dengan semangat saling berbagi, saling mendukung dan bekerja sama dalam komunitas TDA. Semua itu telah diwujudkan dalam beberapa kegiatannya.
Kenapa harus dengan komunitas?
Kami yakin dengan bersama-sama segalanya akan lebih ringan. Keyakinan itu terbukti dengan kebersamaan ini kami bisa melakukan hal yang tidak mungkin dilakukan secara sendiri-sendiri.
Ada ciri khas lain yang membedakan TDA?
Ada, yaitu action oriented. Makanya seiring diplesetkan menjadi Take Double Action. TDA menghindari banyak melakukan diskusi dan perdebatan yang tidak produktif.
Apakah TDA lembaga sosial?
Dalam aktivitasnya, TDA adalah komunitas sosial, non profit. Tapi tujuannya adalah pragmatis yaitu agar para membernya menjadi 100% TDA alias pengusaha kaya.
Siapa saja member TDA ini?
Beragam. Tapi kalau di bagi ada 3 kategori, yaitu:
1. TDA, yaitu member yang sudah full berbisnis dan dalam upaya meningkatkan bisnisnya ke jenjang lebih tinggi.
2. TDB, yaitu member yang masih bekerja sebagai karyawan dan sedang berupaya untuk pindah kuadran menjadi TDA
3. Ampibi, yaitu member yang masih dalam tahap peralihan dari TDB ke TDA dengan melakukan bisnis secara sambilan
Sudah berapa member TDA?
Sampai saat ini (September 2007) sudah mencapai 1.300 orang sejak didirikan tanggal 22 Januari 2006.
Apa saja kegiatan TDA?
TDA Garment (12 kios di ITC Mangga Dua dan 4 di Metro Tanah Abang)
TDA Seluler (9 konter ITC Mangga Dua)
TDA IT (+- 20 kios Mangga Dua Square, workshop, seminar IT)
TDA Goes To Franchise (kajian dan laboratorium konsep bisnis)
TDA Peduli (kerja sama dengan Aksi Cepat Tanggap Dompet Dhuafa Republika)
TDA Wealth Strategy Club (diskusi dan penerapan wealth strategy)
TDA Event Organizer (seminar, talkshow, bazaar, pameran, tour)
TDA Business Re-education (seminar, business game, business coaching, bekerja sama dengan Action International Business Coaching,
TDA Business Conference on Yahoo! Messenger
TDA Business Portal (on progress)
TDA Daerah (Bekasi, Tangerang, Depok, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Batam)
TDA Spiritual (pengajian bulanan)
TDA Finance
TDA Business Book Club
Bagaimana awal berdirinya TDA?
Agak panjang dan unik ceritanya. Ini berawal dari sebuah blog yang ditulis oleh salah satu pendiri TDA, yaitu Badroni Yuzirman ( Isi blog tersebut menurut sebagian orang cenderung memprovokasi pembacanya untuk menjadi pengusaha atau TDA. Kemudian, dari para pembaca blog tersebut tercetus ide untuk membuat pertemuan dalam bentuk talkshow dengan menghadirkan Haji Ali, salah satu tokoh sukses yang sering diceritakan di blog tersebut. Tanggal 12 Januari 2006 adalah tanggal diadakannya talkshow tersebut yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 40 orang bertempat di Restoran Sederhana Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur.
Dari talkshow itulah diperkenalkan istilah Tangan Di Atas yang diperluas tafsirnya menjadi pengusaha atau pedagang. Para peserta kemudian ditantang untuk langsung take action memulai bisnis. Pada tanggal 1 Februari, seminggu setelah itu dibukalah Moslem Fashion Area dengan para pengisi kiosnya 12 orang dari peserta talkshow itu.
Untuk memperlancar komunikasi di antara para alumni talkshow, maka dibuatlah sebuah mailing list untuk saling berkoordinasi mengenai toko masing-masing dan membahas permasalahan bisnis. Pada akhirnya mailing list itu kemudian dibuka untuk umum dengan anggota mencapai ratusan orang.
Membentuk pengusaha-pengusaha tangguh dan sukses yang memiliki kontribusi positif bagi peradaban
  1. Menumbuhkembangkan semangat kewirausahaan.
  2. Membentuk 10.000 pengusaha miliader yang tangguh dan sukses sampai tahun 2018.
  3. Menciptakan sinerji diantara sesama anggota & antara anggota dengan pihak lain, berlandaskan prinsip high trust community.
  4. Menumbuhkan jiwa sosial & berbagi di antara anggota.
  5. Menciptakan pusat sumber daya bisnis berbasis teknologi.
Lima Nilai TDA 1. Silaturahim
(Saling mendukung, Sinergi, Komunikasi, Kerja sama, Berbaiksangka, Teamwork, Sukses Bersama)
2. Integritas
(Kejujuran, Transparansi, Amanah, Win-win, Komitmen, Tanggungjawab, Adil)
3. Berpikiran Terbuka
(Continuous Learning, Continuous Improvement, Kreatif, Inovatif)
4. Berorientasi Tindakan
(Semangat solutif, Konsisten, Persisten, Berpikir dan bertindak positif, Give and Take, Mindset Keberlimpahan)
(Menjaga keseimbangan dalam hidup)

RAMOtivation of the day

Ketika hati bersih, tak kenal diri mencaci orang lain. Justru keberanian mengakui kekhilafan diri memberikan energi besar memperbaiki kualitas diri...#RAMOtivation

Bukan status (dalam kehidupan) yang membuat diri kita special, tapi kebersihan hati....Aa Gym

Ketika anda berniat baik, berbuat yang terbaik, tapi dibalas dengan tidak menyenangkan, jangan marah...cukup renungi bahwa berbuat baik pun perlu kepekaan, dan dibarengi dengan cara2 terbaik..mungkin saatnya memperbaiki caranya....#RAMOtivation

If you don't win then you lose....#RAMOtivation

Ujian berat diberikan Alloh SWT untuk membuat kita: 1) menyadari bhw kita manusia adalah mahluk lemah 2) memperbaiki diri kita (niat dan cara) 3) berfikir bhw Alloh telah menetapkan yg terbaik bagi kita....#RAMOtivation
If life is temporary and only for a moment, then why are many people who manage their lives carelessly..#RAMOtivation

Monday, December 6, 2010

eCommerce - Top 20 “must have” features (part 2)

May 4th, 2008 by Stephane Lagrange
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (5 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5)
eCommerce websites of leading online retailers are usually a great example of how to empower customers and how to generate higher conversion rates (from browser to buyer) and lower shopping cart abandonment.
Here is a list of the 20 most successful Web features addressing all aspects of the eCommerce life cycle.

11. Ratings & comments
Empower your customers by letting them rate and leave a review on products. This is a great way to collect feedback, get qualitative information, and measure this information against the merchandise sales performance. You might not want to reorder an under-performing product that your customers don’t like.
12. What other customers look at and buy
Encourage product discovery by sharing information on what other customers have bought or looked at in the context of a given product. Amazon opened the way a while ago and now even goes to the extent of giving percentage ratings on what related books were bought.
13. Clever shopping cart
Your shopping cart should stay alive as long as your customer hasn’t checked out. Facilitate your shoppers’ experience by enabling them to save their cart and then send them a reminder later on to bring them back to your site. Throw in a discount or a promotion related to what they had in the cart and you’ll be sure to convert the abandoned shopping cart into a buy.
14. Streamlined checkout
Make it easy easy for your customer to buy! Minimize the user registration process, make it optional to have to create an account on your website. They will have to fill in their email, postal address and payment info anyway at the end of the process. If your shoppers become regular customers they will see the value of having an account on your website but if they’re random buyers you will turn a significant number of them down by forcing them to register.
15. Shipping costs and delivery to different addresses
Display shipping costs up front! Don’t you just hate it when you’re disappointed because the product is a deal but then you discover after 5 checkout steps that the shipping costs make the purchase not worth it?
Enable your customers to ship different products they purchase to different addresses. This is a feature shoppers love especially around the holiday season. Display the different shipping costs depending on the different destinations.
16. Gift certificates
Offer online gift certificates that shoppers can redeem on your website and in stores. This is a great way to maximize multi-channel sales and is a very popular gift product.
17. Gift & wedding registries
Gift and occasions’ registries enable your customers to create wish lists (and let you know what their purchase intentions are) and to invite other shoppers to your website. Your gift registry customers become ambassadors of your brand and of your services. They enable you to then market to their “guests” and keep them as returning customers.
18. Wish lists
Wish lists are a great tool for your customers to list merchandise they’d like to buy and give you the opportunity to tease them with promotions and product bundles. It also gives you insights on what products your customers like (by gender, age, demographic, etc.).
19. Make searching and finding relevant
Search results on generic words are often overwhelming and not always relevant to the online shopper. One way to address this is to enable filtering the search results by price, by size, by rating, by colour, etc.
By analyzing your web statistics on how your customers find products on your website, find ways to improve the user experience search and navigation experience. What do your shoppers primarily use to find products? If it is through search, than your focus should be on making product search intuitive and efficient.
20. Store locator
Store location is one of the most popular content sections on a multi-channel retailer eCommerce website and offers many marketing opportunities.
Enable your shoppers to find the nearest store by asking them for their postal code and showing them the nearest store they can go to. This give you information on where you customers live and maybe where you could open your next store if the demand in that area is high.
You can also target localized promotional ads and newly available merchandise, on the Store Locator result page.

eCommerce - Top 20 “must have” features (part 1)

eCommerce websites of leading online retailers are usually a great example of how to empower customers and how to generate higher conversion rates (from browser to buyer) and lower shopping cart abandonment.
Here is a list of the 20 most successful Web features addressing all aspects of the eCommerce life cycle.

1. Online & offline coupons
Create buying incentives by displaying or sending coupons that can be redeemed online (through promotional codes) or in store (with flyers).
2. Promotional Newsletters
Encourage your customers to register online or subscribe in store to your newsletter and keep them engaged by sending them promotions, information about new products, invitations to participate in contests, etc.
3. Email alertsUse email alerts to warn your customers when their purchase order has been received and shipped. Some retailers use alerts to follow-up on customers who haven’t finished checking out with their shopping carts. Each email alert is an opportunity to stay in touch with customers and offer them targeted promotions: coupons, cross-selling items related to their purchase, etc.
4. Affiliate programs
Affiliate programs enable other websites to sell your products and be rewarded to do so. It is a great way to increase product awareness, customer conversion and ultimately revenue.
5. Multi menu product catalogue
Make it more convenient for your customers to browse the products of your online catalogue. Many online retailers display at least 2 sets of menus. The most common menu is product categories. Another menu could be product segmentation by price range, by brand, by room in the house, etc.
6. Rich media product display
Serve your customers’ need for more product information by adding to your product description: - photos with different views or colours - photos showcasing the merchandise in a setting or on a model - ability to zoom in or out of products - 360° interactive views - video of product review or on how to use the product
7. Product comparison
Make it easy for your customers to compare 2 or more products on your website. This is of great help when comparing electronics or cars for example which have many technical specifications. When possible also display product ratings to give a qualitative satisfaction feedback on the merchandise.
8. Product bundling and add-ons
Product bundling is a very common strategy to improve sales by associating a discount to a combination of 2 or more products purchased together. Product add-ons based on relevant product combinations or on customers’ most combined purchases is another way of increasing sales.
9. Product in store availability
This is an essential feature for multi-channel retailers who want to offer convenience to their customers. By showing in store stock availability, buyers will be able to: - purchase online and pick-up in store - browse online, check stock availability and buy in store
10. Product alikeness
The browsing experience on an eCommerce website should be engaging and endless. A great way to achieve this goal is to enable shoppers to see other related merchandise related to the initial product they were interested in. This encourages product discovery and converts into more , cross-selling revenue.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

TDA event.-Bisnis Online by Mr Rosihan

Alhamdulillah hari sabtu, 4 desember 2010 kemaren, KMM Junction berkesempatan hadir dalam acara talk show Bisnis Online yang digawangi TDA Jaksel. Pembicaranya Pak Rosihan dari Acaranya rame yg hadir sekitar 130-an orang. Materinya padat berisi, berikut field report acaranya: Heydar, om Lutfi dan om Omar lagi panas tuh..jeearrggg pokoke gue juga bisa....(dalam hati)
Selesai acara seperti biasa member TDA pada narsis hehehehe..ada pak Rony juga tuh ditengah2

Jiyaaaa....Uda Ical di shoot pas banget posisinya....

Ini dia pak Rosihan, master ritel dan bisnis online....materinya top banget...Bisnis Online = Bisnis Offline butuh operational excellence dari mulai outsourcing sampe marketing...kalo bisnis anda belum begitu ehemmmm artinya harus lebih serius lagi membangun bisnisnya....setuju bos
ehehehehe..ehe..ehe...lagi nanya malah di shoot yah lumayan kan...hahahaha

Mudah2an acara ini bisa membawa banyak masukan buat bisnis member TDA Tangerang wabil khusus KMM Junction...bukan nggak mungkin ke depan kita juga bisa bikin event seperti ini, Insya Alloh

Best Regards