Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Take control

The last days of my life was so shaken. Business travel is not as beautiful as when I saw everyone else's business that have been successful. but it's not that my business was not successful, it is because the spirit of the team that dropped that result in poor performance of the company. As a minority shareholder sometimes cause a little frustrating to me, because when they want to do something to improve for the company, which occurred precisely because of poor communication disillusionment with the leadership. However, I myself have set up some contingency plan, including making marketing breaktrough.

The issue essentially is in the spirit. When the business owner is feeling down and lost his enthusiasm, there goes the soul of the business. Yet the spirit of the owner to emerge from the crisis is needed when things started not conducive.

Anyway, I myself felt it was time to start to take control the leadership now or never ....

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